SW'22 MW'22 SW'23 SC FI*Sommelier's Vixen Spritz JW - "Vixen"

DOB 28.06.2021
Sire GIP FI*Sweetpurr's Super Bad Boyfriend, CRX d
Dame WW'24, BW, NW PR&SC FI*Sweetpurr's I Wanna Have Some Fun JW, DVM, DSM CRX f 01 64
Breeder(s) Johanna Abgottspon
Vixen is our beautiful calico girl with a fantastic pedigree. It is full of my favorite cats and she has my very first Cornish rex, GIC Seafarer Hannibal Frisé, in the 10th generation. She is mother to our Eurovision 2024-litter and hopefully one more litter in the near future. She lives together with her frandfather and her human family Elin and Jeroen.
She is free from PRA and HCM-scanned healthy 12/2022.
Thank you Johanna for letting this me have this little diva <3